Thursday, March 4, 2010

Never Too Old to want my Daddy....

We have definitely had one of THOSE weeks.  The Stewart household has been insane to say the least...

This past weekend was our last week of this season's Upward, then Sunday night we had a Low Country Boil at church.  In the words of Rachael Ray "YUMM-O!" It was definitely delicious.  We got home and began settling in for the night and as I was giving Brayden is last bottle of the night it began to come back up....not just the bottle, but what seemed to be everything he ate that day.  It was coming out of his nose.  Needless to say I was terrified--especially when he started screaming.  I mean, really, I would scream too if this was happening to me! Daniel came back to our bedroom to find a horrible mess on our bed.  We had to clean Brayden up, clean me up and our bed.  We just decided to blow up the air mattress to sleep on because we only have 1 set of queen sheets.  I was terrified to go to sleep Sunday night because this has never happened before.  Brayden is a reflux/spit-up baby, but this was TOTALLY different.

Monday, I went on to work because Becky is so good to me and is so willing to watch Brayden--even when he's sick.  She probably should have said no condering the rest of the weeks events.....haha!  That night we had our Upward Awards Ceremony/Program that everyone really seemed to enjoy! On my way to the church (Brayden still with Becky), I called Brayden's pediatrician to see what we needed to do because we thought he had a virus of some sort.  And that he had.  We decided on pedialyte for a day or so until he seemed better.  Afterwards, Daniel, another man whose an integral part of our church body & Upward, and myself took the three guests who came to perform at the program out to eat  at Applebee's.  I called to check on Brayden and low and behold Becky's sweet little girl got it....I went to Walmart and got both of us pedialyte.  So, I called in to take Tuesday off of work.  I wanted to be with my sweet baby and I didn't want Brayden to give it to any more of the Schulze household. 

Then.....2am hit.  And it hit me hard.  I knew I didn't feel well, but I thought maybe I could sleep it off.  There was no sleeping that off at all.  I was sick from 2am until 9am or so.  It doesn't matter how old I get I still want my daddy when I'm sick.  Daniel had to stay home from work to take care of me and Brayden on Tuesday.  I slept all day, so he didn't have that much to do for me, but still.  Then, on top of that, Daniel's dad came to visit us all the way from Virginia with a friend & her little boy.  I slept the majority of the time they were here.  I felt horrible that I missed that time with them.  Then it happened to Brayden....AGAIN.  Poor, poor baby.  He just couldn't keep it down.  And he screamed and screamed.  My heart hurt so badly for him.

Wednesday, I went to work a little weaker than normal but we were all planning on all trying to get back into our routine.  Texting back and forth with Becky Wednesday morning I learned that her oldest had gotten sick.  So I asked Daniel to stay home with Brayden til I could get there.  I came home at lunch so he could get his work done.  On my way home, I found out Andy (Becky's husband, our pastor) was sick.  REALLY?  My gosh this is spreading so fast!!!!  Thank goodness Becky nor Daniel have gotten it yet.  I pray they don't!!!!!!

Today, I sit here at home again with my sweet baby.  We are struggling to get him to drink his milk or even pedialyte for that matter.  We are inching back in slowly with the milk, but it is making me nervous that he slaps it away every time he needs to drink it.  I don't want him to end up in the hospital.  Please pray that he will get his appetite back!!!  Those who know my baby knows he has an appetite and loves to eat!!!  

Yet, Brayden smiles through his pain and for that I am's a sweet reminder that even though I put Christ through the pain on the cross, he still loves me and will smile on me with  his grace & mercy. 

I am truly blessed.

P.S. -- I am getting something positive out of being sick, though!!!  I have lost 5 pounds in 2 days!!!  I'm only 2 pounds away from my pre-pregnancy weight!!!!!!!!! 


  1. Oh, Jamie, y'all have just been through it all this week! I still want my mama when I am sick, too! I hope you and Brayden and all the Schulzes begin feeling better so soon (especially before the wedding in 2 days!).

  2. I lost 5 pounds too at the first of the week when I had it! Its really got me wanting to work at the next 15!
