Monday, February 8, 2010

Thank the Good Lord!!!!

After threats of being kicked off of blog-world, I figure I might ought to put some thoughts down.  haha!

There has been so much going on since my last post (yes, back in November-so sorry!).  There was Christmas, New Years, all of January....geez I don't think I ever stop to think about how fast time has gone by except when I look at my sweet baby.  I never TRULY understood what people meant by "time flies" until Brayden entered the world on July 31st, 2009. 

He is now 6 1/2 months old and last night I think I faced one of the most traumatic feelings a mom can feel:
Fear of your baby being hurt by your own mistake.

We went over to our friends' (Dennis & Rena) house after church to watch the Super Bowl and Brayden was asleep when we got there.  So, I took him out of his carrier and put him on their guest bed surrounded by pillows for protection. about maybe 30 - 45 minutes later we hear crying and both Rena and I went to check on the boys (her's was sleeping too) and Brayden was on the floor!!!  He was on his belly looking up crying.  I was so scared and in panic mode I didn't even cry.  I picked him up and held him tight and was trying not to be tense.  I'm sure it scared him, but praise God he did not have anything more than a small knot on his head.  Rena called her sister who is a pediatric nurse at Scottish Rite in Atlanta and she reassured me that everything would be ok.  I wanted to take him to get him checked out, but she told me what to watch for to make sure he was ok.  No vomitting/no unconciousness was a good sign!

I cannot thank the Lord enough for keeping my baby safe!!!   I have prayed numerous times today saying "THANK YOU!"  Every time I think about it I am reminded.  I am thankful for the maternal instinct that God gave women.  We are naturally protective of the people we love the most.  More than anything...I want my husband and son to be protected.

Rena & Roxanne - I also cannot thank you enough for the comfort you gave me last night. 

Rena told me that she's heard people say if your baby doesn't fall off the bed before he/she is 1, then its supposively "bad luck."  When I went to school today and shared my traumatic evening, several of them said the same thing.  So, if I did believe in superstition....milestone passed--rather early I'd say.  Some of them laughed at me for taking it so seriously, but I cannot help it....I'm a first-time mom and I don't want ANYTHING to hurt my precious baby. 

Needless to say, Brayden will NEVER be left on a bed with or without pillows until he's a toddler with posts on his bed to prevent him from falling off! 

I would upload pictures, but I don't have the camera nearby.  I promise it will not be TWO months before I blog again.

1 comment:

  1. We almost bought nick a helmet when he was 5 months old! There will be many many head bumps for boys!! He didn't fall off the bed but Josey did at that age...pretty scary. Glad Brayden (and you) are ok!! love ya!
