Saturday, November 14, 2009

Learning the ropes....

It's really late on a Saturday night and we're keeping Marcus & Roxanne up.....tomorrow is church and heaven knows I'm going to be tired, but I just love to bring my sweet baby to see Uncle Marc & Aunt Roxy!!! Brayden was hanging out on the floor tonight and decided that he'd flip from his belly onto his back! How crazy!

We hit a milestone with Brayden this morning! I feed him his first little bit of juice! He took it great! The reason we started a couple weeks early is because we started a new medicine with him, Prevacid, for his reflux. Poor baby! He's always spitting up. Sometimes he cries but he's growing, so it's not too much of a concern other than the fact that he is ALWAYS spitting up. Even right before his next feeding. Hopefully this new stuff will help. Please pray it will ease off!!!

Daniel is feeding Brayden what is hopefully his last bottle of the night then we will head home and let them get their rest....Thanks for letting us crash your house guys!!!


  1. You know you are welcome anytime! We love y'all, and Brayden, too!

  2. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.. The plus 1 is Daniel's brother right????

  3. Yeah....that would be josh! :) haha
