Thursday, September 23, 2010

365 days will change your life

As the seasons begin to change (at least as the title of the season changes) I'm reflecting on the last season of our life in the Stewart household:

a nice time away from work to spend with my sweet baby.  I spent a lot of time thinking about how the summer before I had no idea how my life was going to change.  It was much easier to get out of the house and run to Walmart, the grocery store, go shopping, etc.  But it has all been worth it.  Brayden's wild hair - his sweet smile - his sweet words - all of it I would never change for anything. 

We took Brayden on his first birthday to have pictures made.  Check them out - they are adorable!!! 

Yes, we're training him right!!!  My beautiful Georgia baby!!!

One of my favorites!!!!

Down, set, hut!!!!


B is for Brayden!

Silly boy!

So many blessings! 
It's amazing how life changes in 365 days.

Unfortunately, summer is over and we're back to the is back in full swing.  (7 weeks worth)  My students are wonderful - for the most part - and I'm enjoying my job.  Everyone has their days where they have a bad day.  This year I have far fewer bad days.  That is a blessing.

Hope you have a great day!!!